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Client Experience Officer & Happiness Director

 Laura keeps the clinic running smoothly. She is the friendly face when you walk into the clinic, and the one who keeps the clinical staff running on time. Laura is super organised and efficient.


Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, despite really really loving pizza, pasta & tacos!


I love learning about other cultures and I have traveled extensively around the world before I had my children


My 3 beautiful daughters drive me crazy but are my complete pride & joy


I really love a good joke and a hearty laugh - but I can never remember the jokes later

I am originally a Sydney-sider and have lived in Melbourne for over 20 years  but I  do not love Footy yet


Growing up I was a:

water skiier

snow skiier

horse rider

motorbike rider

soccer, netball & basketball player


I wish I could still do all that now!


I absolutely love the beach, but never stay in the water very long




I love to exercise. Anything from yoga, jogging, cycling, hiking and Futsal/Soccer


At the moment I am training with Eliza & 2 friends for the Oxfam 100km Trailwalker event which is March 2020...


and I am about to start an 8 week challenge at the gym! 


I love working at Footpath Podiatry!!

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2019 Footpath Podiatry 

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